Hwy 101 Bike and Pedestrian Crossings Feasibility Study

Project Summary
The US 101 freeway is a major barrier to east-west travel in Rohnert Park, particularly for cyclists and pedestrians, and creates gaps in the City’s active transportation network. Although it is possible to travel between the east and west sides using the underpass at Rohnert Park Expressway, these crossings present safety concerns by requiring cyclists and pedestrians to navigate freeway on and off ramps, large intersections, and heavy traffic.

Several planning documents state the need to improve pedestrian and bicycle connectivity access across US 101 and identify Hinebaugh Creek and Copeland Creek as potential locations for a new crossing. However, no studies had assessed the feasibility of a new bicycle and pedestrian crossing at the creek locations, or other locations along the US 101 corridor. Furthermore, no studies assessed the demand and impact of a new crossing in consideration of new and planned development.

Measure M

In 2020, the City retained Steven Grover & Associates (SGA) to prepare a Feasibility Study of bicycle and pedestrian crossings of US 101. The Study was made possible by funding from Measure M, the 2004 Sonoma County Traffic Relief Act. It evaluated seven potential crossing locations, solicited community input through public meetings and an online survey, and assessed numerous alignment alternatives. The study includes community-preferred alignments at Copeland Creek and conceptual design recommendations for a safer and more comfortable way for cyclists and pedestrians to travel between the east and west sides of Rohnert Park.

On October 26, 2021, City staff and SGA presented the Feasibility Study to the Rohnert Park City Council. Councilmembers expressed their unanimous support for the Study's recommendations and directed City staff to pursue the "Butterfly Bridge" concept at Copeland Creek that includes a touchdown plaza on the east side. The complete Feasibility Study can be downloaded through the following link:

Rohnert Park Highway 101 Bike & Pedestrian Crossing Feasibility Study (PDF)

The "Butterfly Bridge" design concept can also be explored in 3D through the following link:


Note: The 360-degree viewer works on desktop computers, as well as phones or tablets. Dragging allows you to look around within the concept model, and clicking on a location icon moves you to that viewpoint. By opening the link on a mobile phone or tablet and using "Toggle Motion Control," you can also look around by moving your device.

To receive updates and invitations to future public meetings for this project, please provide your contact information:  E-Newsletter Bicycle & Pedestrian

Hwy 101 Overcrossing