The City offers rebates to help residents save water. To download an
application please click on the banners or links below or call
707-585-6750 for more information.
Green House Call for Homeowners and Renters - NEW!
Rising Sun Center for Opportunity, a Bay Area non-profit, partners with cities and PG&E Energy
Watch Partnerships to deliver the California Youth Energy Services
program (CYES). CYES employs local young adults in meaningful, positive
work experience where they can make a difference in their community,
help the environment, and shape their future success. Youth Energy
Specialists work in teams of two to provide neighbors with no-cost Green House Calls. By installing energy and water saving devices in local homes, Rising Sun Energy Center prevents 28 metric tons of CO2 from entering the atmosphere each year.
Receive an energy and water conservation assessment and installation at
no cost. Staff will check homes for efficiency, install equipment, and
provide personalized recommendations for further savings. Staff will
evaluate all water devices, inspect water pressure, and check for leaks.
Residents receive free materials and services that reduce their water
consumption. For more information or to be placed on the list to receive
a Green House Call, please call (510) 665-1501.
High Efficiency Toilet (HET) Rebate for Residential Customers
Receive up to $150
for the purchase of a new high-efficiency toilet. These HETs flush with
1.28 gallons of water (or less). New toilets must replace toilets that
flush 3.5 gallons or more (Pre-1992). Download the application and list of qualifying toilets.
High Efficiency Clothes Washer Rebate for Residential Customers 
Receive $75 for the purchase of a new water-saving, front-load washing machine. Download the application and list of qualifying washers. Please note that this program only rebates High-Efficiency Clothes Washers that are listed as Tier 3 on the Consortium for Energy Efficiency’s (CEE) List.