Maintain Control of Your Bicycle
Make sure the bicycle is properly sized and adjusted
Ensure your bicycle is in good working order
Protect yourself
Wear your helmet properly
Remember, by law all bicycle riders under the age of 18 must wear a bicycle helmet.
Be Alert and Obey all Traffic Laws
Be prepared to stop for vehicles waiting at stop signs, in driveways, or parking spaces which may suddenly pull out in front of you.
Use hand signals before making turns or changing lanes to warn traffic around you.

Use lights and reflectors at night
Using lights and reflectors at night is the law. When it is dark outside, bicyclists should avoid wearing dark clothing and must have the following equipment:
A front lamp emitting a white light visible from a distance of 300 feet.
A rear red reflector or a solid or flashing red light with a built-in reflector visible from a distance of 500 feet.
A white or yellow reflector on each pedal or on the bicyclist’s shoes or ankles visible from a distance of 200 feet.
A white or yellow reflector on the front wheel, a white or red reflector on the rear wheel or reflectorized tires.
Ride in a safe lane position
Ride in the same direction as traffic so you are more visible to drivers entering roads or changing lanes in the following scenarios:
Passing a vehicle or another bicycle in the same direction.
Preparing to make a left turn at an intersection, into a private road, or at a driveway.
When necessary to avoid a hazard or road condition.
When a lane is too narrow for a bicycle and vehicle to travel safely side by side within a lane
When approaching a right turn
If the road is one-way with two or more lanes.